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Data Grid - Events

Subscribe to the events emitted by the Data Grid to trigger custom behavior.

Subscribing to events

You can subscribe to one of the events emitted by providing an event handler to the Data Grid.

The handler is a method that's called with three arguments:

  1. the parameters containing the information related to the event
  2. the MuiEvent containing the DOM event or the React synthetic event, when available
  3. the GridCallbackDetails containing the GridApi—only if Data Grid Pro or Data Grid Premium is being used

For example, here is an event handler for the rowClick event:

const handleEvent: GridEventListener<'rowClick'> = (
  params, // GridRowParams
  event, // MuiEvent<React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement>>
  details, // GridCallbackDetails
) => {
  setMessage(`Movie "${params.row.title}" clicked`);

You can provide this event handler to the Data Grid in several ways:

With the prop of the event

<DataGrid onRowClick={handleEvent} {...other} />

The following demo shows how to subscribe to the rowClick event using the onRowClick prop—try it out by clicking on any row:

With useGridApiEventHandler

useGridApiEventHandler(apiRef, 'rowClick', handleEvent);

The following demo shows how to subscribe to the rowClick event using useGridApiEventHandler—try it out by clicking on any row:

With apiRef.current.subscribeEvent

apiRef.current.subscribeEvent('rowClick', handleEvent);

The following demo shows how to subscribe to the rowClick event using apiRef.current.subscribeEvent—try it out by clicking on any row:

Disabling the default behavior

Depending on the use case, it might be necessary to disable the default action taken by an event. The MuiEvent passed to the event handler has a defaultMuiPrevented property to control when the default behavior can be executed or not. Set it to true to block the default handling of an event and implement your own.

  onCellClick={(params: GridCellParams, event: MuiEvent<React.MouseEvent>) => {
    event.defaultMuiPrevented = true;

Usually, double-clicking a cell will put it into edit mode. The following example changes this behavior by also requiring the end user to press the Ctrl key:

Press Enter to start editing

Catalog of events

Expand the rows to see how to use each event.